Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Nothing is by coincidence.

Living in an apartment complex we are constantly getting new neighbors.  There have been a few of us who have lived here for quite some time and we have had the opportunity to get to know those few constant neighbors over the years.  I've lived in our apartment for about 5 years.  There is a family that has lived in our building for probably over 10 years.  It's taken a long time to merely say hello, they are all very quite natured.  Over the years our quick glances, awkward silences and quick "hello" have grown into a friendship beyond, "Hello, how are you?"

Last week the oldest member of their family died.  He left behind his wife, daughter and her daughter.  I'd been thinking about their family since being notified of his passing.  I talked with Christopher about my concerns on our ride home earlier this week expressing that I wanted to acknowledge their loss when I saw them next but had completely no idea what to say.  Christopher listened but really didn't have any advice at the time.

God heard my concerns.

Hours later we return home to find the wife, who usually only walks to the car and back walking out to the main road.  I knew something was up, she never walked that far.  I felt as though we should have opened our window and asked her if there was something we could do, but we didn't.  We got home and I went on our back porch thinking possibly she was walking around back just to get away from everyone, they've had a lot of family in town staying with them since her husband's death.  I was right, there I saw her in the distance upset.  I wanted to help her and still had no idea what to do.  Moments later Christopher and I were putting our kayaks away and she was on their back porch, very upset.  I approached her, asked her if I could give her a hug and stood and chatted with her.  Our God gave me the words to say, I was able to talk with her and she invited me to her husband's funeral service the next day.  My heart was broken for her.  She shared with me that they were married for 49 years.  That is an incredible accomplishment in this world.  We have a long way to catch up! 

What a blessing to have been there at that exact time to talk and offer a hug.

That evening I opened up YouVersion on my phone.  I felt heavy and sad for the loss of her best friend and husband.  I tell you, our God is interested in the tiny details of our lives!  I opened up and read the verse for the day: 

"The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.  But thanks be to God!  He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."  1 Corinthians 15: 56-57

I read chapter 15 of 1 Corinthians.  This chapter is a reminder of the gospel we live by as followers of Christ and the resurrection of the dead.  I find hope in this scripture. 

This morning I attended our neighbor's husband's Homegoing Service.  I was honored to sit at the service of this man with is friends and family to celebrate not only his earthly life but his now heavenly dwelling.  He was a believer, PRAISE be to Our God, allowing us to celebrate that he is in heaven with our Heavenly Father.

"But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ."  Ephesians 2:13

Though this is a time of mourning and sadness for his departure from this earth we can now celebrate the homecoming of another believer.  God will keep his family in perfect peace in this time of sorrow so long as they keep their eyes fixed on Him. 

"You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you." Isaiah 26:3

I wanted to share this with you because I cannot deny God's most perfect timing and attention to the small details of my life.  Nothing is by coincidence.  I am reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan and we've been discussing community and who we can reach out to.  And the top of my list?  That was, this specific family.

Greater by Elevation Worship --

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